as if we don't already have enough on our plate (wink), i thought it would be nice to try revamping our family meals.
ORGANIC FOOD and why it's important:
children are 4 times more susceptible to pesticides and other toxins than adults. many approved chemicals were registered long before research linked them to cancer and other diseases.
when these chemicals are used in farming, they are not only ON the food, but they are in the air and the run off pollutes our water supply (which we will eventually intake as well).
in non organic farming, more energy is used to produce synthetic fertilizers than is used to till and harvest ALL of the farms in the U.S.
organic produce is far superior in nutrients and vitamins.
there are lots of political reasons like the fact that our taxes are paying for hazardous waste to clean up environmental damage caused by non organic farms BUT
one of the best reasons is because it TASTES SO MUCH BETTER!!!
i found this information and a ton more like it at mmmunch.
this amazing "wholesome nutritional" website (from 2 healthy moms) offers recipes, tips for picky eaters, pantry make-overs and cooking classes for parents. sign up on their website for "tasty tidbits". yummy.