Saturday, August 8, 2009

Marco Polo

hopefully your summer has had some beach time, or at the very least, pool time. as you and your family enjoy the buoyant joys of swimming and splashing, remember the dolphins.

makers of THE COVE, a new film by ric o'barry (trainer of FLIPPER), ask us to help save the dolphins. each year in a small village in japan, over 20,000 dolphins are slaughtered and their meat is sold as "whale meat". most japanese people don't know of this injustice.

this movie isn't for the kids but the subject of helping to save these amazing mammals is.

easy things we can do to help is:
1.) choose safe seafood.
2.) write to our leaders to help get the word out in japan.
3.) teach our kids to be kind to all living creatures.

*** amazing fact, "of all the wild animals on earth, only dolphins have been known to come to a human's rescue. the primary enemy of a dolphin is humankind".