Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dear Mr President

well, he's been in office for only a few hours, but why not have your child write to President Obama? seriously, what are you waiting for?

kidthing.com has created the "dear mr president project" where kids are invited to draw and/ or write to our new commander in chief. what a great chance for families to sit down and talk about our hopes and dreams for the future.

the mail in deadline is postmarked by january 27th (one week from today). don't forget to sign the submission form so that your child's letter is eligible for the "dear mr president project book" which will be available to purchase in early february.

the lesson: power is not only in the hands of adults, kids have to know that their voice counts. in a world where children mostly feel small, this can help them feel as though they are heard and can make a difference. 

***added bonus: it's OBAMA, baby!!! what more bonus is there?