but 99.9% of the time, being a parent is not something you can put in a box and tie up with a bow. i am beginning to embrace the chaos. well, "embrace" might be a little strong. but kids get sick, bullies appear, hormones strike and mostly, general madness ensues. my eyes are finally opening (i liked it better in the dark).
how on earth are we supposed to take care of our families AND make the world a better place AND teach our kids about making their world a better place??? sometimes there just isn't time in the day to eat a healthy dinner, let alone hot glue a recycle sculpture project.
here is where the easiest ACME SHARING activity comes into play. MODEL KINDNESS. it is so easy and most of us (you know who you are) do it anyway. when our children see us taking an extra millisecond to smile at the toll booth person, make idle chit chat with the grocery bagger or say nice things about the world around us, they are learning to be kind and positive.
it is so simple that it feels silly posting about it, but lately i have had NO time or interest to do anything extra and i couldn't help but notice how powerful and effective being nice (and sometimes faking it for the benefit of our little audience) can be.