Monday, December 15, 2008

ACME world gift guide

not done yet??? help the world wherever you'd like:

since the acme sharing company is all about sharing, giving and DOING as a family, please note that i am only giving you these "just send money" lists for the holidays. 

find a project by country and topic and find those who need a little help for as low as $10.

send money for food, water or medicine around the world.

be a part of giving the gift of a home (without having to be oprah). starting at $10.

every 30 seconds a child dies of malaria! that is the most heart-breaking statistic. help protect them with bed nets, $10.

browse for a cause that speaks to you; global human rights, disaster relief or microfinance.

i had to stop somewhere, but there are countless amazing organizations that can use your help. there are a few ways to incorporate your kids into the donation process:
1.) ask them what they feel strongly about, then surf the web.
2.) ask if they would like to contribute with money they have received.
3.) or perhaps they would like to give to a cause in lieu of a gift for themselves.
4.) youthgive and markmakers are places where you can give your kids an account and they can find the cause, a great idea for grandparents living out of town.