now that our kids have so much "bright new shiny" with which to play, what better time to clean out the "dark old dull" ?
it is SO hard for most kids (mine especially) to part with even the smallest bit of broken lego. now, with all the new holiday loot, finding an organized place is a real chore. help them clean out the toys, books and even winter clothes that they barely notice hanging around.
make piles of (or use colored post-its) for;
it will be hard to get them excited about the "give away" pile, but once you put on some music, eat some leftover xmas cookies or channukah gelt, they might get into the groove.
you can tell them that for every new item they got, they need to give one away.
the lesson: abundance is the road to ungratefulness ? (ok, i think i just made that up, but it seems right, doesn't it?). plus, talk to your families about how lucky we are to get new things while explaining that not all families have the same luxuries or something like that, only more eloquent. then go back to the MAYBE KEEP pile and start again.
***added bonus: more organization means less likely chance of stepping on an errant action figure with bare feet - youch!
*find a children's hospital for donating books and puzzles.
*stuffed animals can go to SAFE or project night night.
*bigger toys and warm clothes are great for local homeless shelters.
now you can thank your kids for, not only appreciating the things they have and keeping their toys organized, BUT MOSTLY for making a difference in another child's day.