Thursday, July 10, 2008

"Lemonade...that cool refreshing drink"

when life gives you lemons (read: bored kids halfway through summer break), make a lemonade stand. 

what is more all american summertime fun than a lemonade stand? ok, maybe a baseball game, an apple pie or a run through the sprinklers or a - forget it, i could go on for a while.

here are the tools for the next gen socially conscience lemonade stand:

start with the whole foods 365 brand lemonade from concentrate. it's ORGANIC and perfect for mixing.

9 oz clear biodegradable cups made of corn (they look like plastic party cups).
50 cups for $7

recycled napkins from seventh generation are brown and look uber-chic with your child's "logo" colored on the corner.

serve it all at this post-consumer use cardboard stand to make it oh so very professional

bake some all natural thin mint cookies (i have already supported the girl scouts PLENTY in this category so i don't feel guilty usurping their ground)

now that you are ready for business, talk to your kids about where they want to donate their hard earned cash. for ideas on this, browse "markmakers"or "youthgive" (both on this site in earlier posts) to see kid friendly explanations of causes and needs.

the lesson: your kids earning their your own coinage? priceless.

***added bonus: so thirst quenching!