there are SO many fantastic things to do with your kids to celebrate earth day (april 22). start by browsing all of the global warming projects on this site.
i thought it might be nice to give the earth a gift: LADYBUGS!
go to your local garden center. you can purchase a small cardboard container - the size of a pint of ice cream, for about $8 - filled with hundreds of live ladybugs that you and your kids can release into your yard or neighborhood park. the ladybugs help the earth by eating the mealy bugs and aphids (for those of us with brown thumbs, those are the bad guys). your kids will marvel as they fly all around making it feel as though you are in wonderland! and isn't that what it should always feel like when you're a kid?
the lesson: the earth takes care of us; gives us parks, trees, beaches. we can't just take and not give. it's a two-way street.
***added bonus: bugs crawling all over you that is actually somewhat pleasurable.