Monday, June 28, 2010


my beautiful and wise cousin, carolyn, sent me this quote which i wanted to share with you all.

"i truly believe it is one of the greatest gifts we teach our children to show them through actions that they can make a positive difference in the lives of others" - sandra magsamen

this summer keep your families busy doing just that.

scroll the (over 100) activities listed on the website. i know that my boys and i will be; planting an organic garden, having a canned food drive and baking dog biscuits for the rescue shelter - no name just a few.

happy summer.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Call of the Wild

so when the temp gets super high and you have "park"ed yourselves out, chill out inside in front of the computer with your kids and check out NOAH WILD.

"Noah Wild is a movement dedicated to the idea that kids can truly make a difference by saving animals & the places they live."

noah is an animated young boy who loves animals. the site offers info (a hippo's lips are 2 feet wide) and links to other animal-centric sites. it has video, cartoons and merch. the products they sell give money back to animal loving non profits and the buyer (your child) gets to chose the cause.

here is a link:

the lesson: supporting animals is an easy way for kids to feel the power of helping others.

*** added bonus: you get a break from pushing them on the swings and can sit down for this family activity.